5th Couperin's Open Access meeting – january 24, 25, 2013
Promoting open access to research outputs
Thursday, january 24, 2013
Open access: what future for scientific publishing ?
Institutions', States', Europe's strategies
Welcome 13h00
13h30 – 17h30
- Grégory Colcanap, Serge Bauin : 5th open access meeting issues
- Serge Bauin : MedOAnet project
- Jean-Claude Guédon : Future of the open access with the gold model
- Marin Dacos : Alternative open access models
- Geneviève Fioraso, Minister of Higher Education: France's position on open access
- Questions&Answers session
End 17h30
Promoting open access to research outputs
Friday, january 25, 2013
100 % of scientific publications available under open access
How can that objective be achieved ?
Welcome 8h30
9h00 - 10h20 Introduction
Alma Swan : Open access key challenges: green OA: costs and benefits
Christine Berthaud, BSN4 Ministry of Higher Education working group : Element of national policy for open archives
Christine Ollendorf : Couperin/ADBU's open archives' survey results
10h40 - 12h00 Open archives deposit with the help of the publishers
- Laurent Romary : PEER project results
- Jens Vigen, head of the CERN library: Synergies: Open Access publishing in High Energy Physics
Lunch on site 12h00 – 13h00
13h00 - 15h30 Incentive policies and obligation to deposit in an open archive for researchers
- Sandrine Malotaux : from self to systematic archiving at INP Toulouse
- Eloy Rodrigues : OA policy at Minho: incentive and mandate
Frederic Merceur : Obligation to deposit in ARCHIMER, IFREMER's repository
Pascal Guitton : Towards an open access mandate in 2013 in HAL-INRIA repository
Jean-François Lutz :OpenAIRE project : a mandate for the results of EC-funded scientific research
Questions&Answers session
S. Harnad, key witness, will summarize the major lines of the debates
16h00 - 17h00 CPU (The Conference of University Presidents), CGE (The Conference of higher education institutions), CDEFI (The Conference of french ingeneers schools directors) and CNRS's (National Center for Scientific Research) presidents positions
End 17h15